aimswebservice - Service Info Page

  aimswebservice - PortTypes:
  • IAIMSWebService [WSDL]
    • FetchLegMembers
    • FetchLegMembersPerDay
    • FetchLegMembersForPeriod
    • FetchCrMembers
    • CrewScheduleChangesForPeriod
    • UnfinalizedCrewRoutesForDay
    • CrewMisssingTrnIndicatorsForPeriod
    • CrewPendingNotifForPeriod
    • GetCrewList
    • CrewMemberRosterDetailsForPeriod
    • FetchAircraftRouteDataAndSectors
    • CrewCheckIn
    • CrewCheckOut
    • FetchCrewMessages
    • FetchCrewMaxFDP
    • FetchCrewQuals
    • FlightDetailsForFlightLegOnDay
    • FlightDetailsForPeriod
    • FlightDetails
    • FlightDetailsX1
    • FlightScheduleChangesForPeriod
    • FetchCharterers
    • FetchAircraft
    • FetchACType
    • GreenwichMeanTimeDifferenceInMins
    • FlightScheduleModificationLog
    • RemoveCrewNotificationIndicator
    • InsertCrewMember
    • InsertCrewMember2
    • UpdateVRData
    • UpdateLegInfo
    • FetchCountries
    • FetchAirports
  • IWSDLPublish [WSDL]
      Lists all the PortTypes published by this Service
    • GetPortTypeList
    • GetWSDLForPortType
    • GetTypeSystemsList
    • GetXSDForTypeSystem
  WSIL:  Link to WS-Inspection document of Services here